Converting the Bronco type XXIII to RC

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  • MFR1964
    Detail Nut of the First Order

    • Sep 2010
    • 1388

    Originally posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named
    That video was an engineering class! Wow.

    Now, get this thing in the water and we'll see if you suffer the same pitch-down problem plaguing my Bronco Type-23.

    Yes Sir!!!, working on that Sir!!, tomorrow i'm going to visit my good friend and teacher and show off my XXIII, we will have a chatt about you develish boat's problems, as you earlier stated, we are overlooking the solution.

    I will document my progress on trimming the beast, so that we can compare our data.

    I went underground


    • trout

      • Jul 2011
      • 3628

      I really like what I see happening on this site. The interaction, sharing of ideas, and the way people are documenting their builds. We all will get better because of it. I know the documentation takes a lot of extra time, so I really appreciate those that take that additional step to share.
      There is a tag from unbuiltnautilus on another site that says "We were not pioneers ourselves, but we journeyed over old tracks that were new to us, and with hearts open, who shall distinguish?"
      I have recognized that some of my thoughts (that I think are unique) have been done before, but revisiting them I might be able to put just a slight bit different thought or twist. What Manfred has done, pneumatic pistons for scopes, is not new, but his unique way and differences makes a difference. It will inspire and new ideas will come from that.

      I can not thank everyone here enough for their inspiration. Thank you Manfred for teaching me new tricks!
      If you can cut, drill, saw, hit things and swear a lot, you're well on the way to building a working model sub.


      • MFR1964
        Detail Nut of the First Order

        • Sep 2010
        • 1388

        Hear, hear Tom,

        There is a general attitude present, if there are problems, you're not the only one that is thinking about the solution, there is so much experience present, and due to the internet, it's possible to communicate and exchange our findings.

        As for the scopes, i've builded my first set in the early 90's for my type VII, they still work great, only greased them with vaseline once a year, the innovation in this set is, the use of a LPB in combination with the airswitch, which gives you a very compact system, allowing it to be used inside the 2,5" SD.
        Now i know it's working, i have to make some modifications at my Walter V80 in the future, moving those scopes at the V80 was a bit of a nightmare, it never worked the way i wanted, now i've got a working solution and can rip out all those pressured air parts, saving me weight and complexity.

        As for walking across the same paths, it's the same for me, now and then you got your Eureka moment, only to discover that it has been done allready, for me it's fun to combine those paths into something working, which not has been done before (it probably has, but let me have my dreams), in this chase i was forced to build a compact solution with allready excisting parts.

        Now get this beast into the water, hoping to get some solutions, which can help David to ban out his pitchdown demons, to be continued.

        I went underground


        • Peter W
          • May 2011
          • 509

          Manfred, 2:15 on the video....... I think it's neat too! Stupid point/question time. Is the delay in the 2 scopes going up a pressure thing, intentional or other? just wondering.
          I also love the way the sub "snaps" apart.



          • alad61
            • Jan 2012
            • 476

            Outstanding Manfred... As usual:biggrin:

            As per Peters question, would the slight time difference be due to the mass/weight difference between the scope and snorkel assembly? Either way it looks so cool.

            Reality is but a dream...
            But to dream is a reality


            • MFR1964
              Detail Nut of the First Order

              • Sep 2010
              • 1388

              Thanks guys,

              You're right Peter, it's fun to play with, the delay between the scope and snorkel is the friction of the O ring inside the actuator, you stated it right that this is a pressure thing, so pressure will build up first at the scope, which is running smoother as my snorkel, if it was a weight issue, like Alec stated, the snorkel would go up last and go down first.
              You never get them exactly the same, due to the use of different materials and greasing, if timed good, i can choose between, just scope, just snorkel or both.
              Every time i snap my boat, i've got a smile on my face, all the difficulties i encoutered to design this paid off.

              Last edited by MFR1964; 10-20-2013, 05:57 AM.
              I went underground


              • Peter W
                • May 2011
                • 509

                All impressive Manfred, how much weight does it add up top ? must make it a little top heavy.



                • MFR1964
                  Detail Nut of the First Order

                  • Sep 2010
                  • 1388


                  The added weight is around 145 gram, first have to counteract that, by adding a extra 145 gram weight at the keel i can neutralise that, from what i know from other builders the high tower gives a issue in stability on the surface.
                  Next week i will take her apart and start with the general layout of foam and lead, the CG will be right under the tower as with my other boats, from that i will work my way around to get it trimmed with additional lead and foam.
                  Only my system of the vertical split will slow this process down, i have to take her apart after each session, but when it's done, it's done.

                  I went underground


                  • MFR1964
                    Detail Nut of the First Order

                    • Sep 2010
                    • 1388

                    Tested the SD with my durationtest of one hour, as well as under pressure, or simply dunked underwater without pressure, not a leak to find, the crew will keep their feet dry.
                    While doing the preparations for making this boat wet, i've overseen a problem, i've placed my ADF straight under the air-inlet in the front compartment, so, if i catch water or droplets there, i'm screwed.
                    Designed a dropletcatcher which fits exactly before my batterypack, this front compartment is now offically full!!,

                    Had to make this curved, because there wasn't much room left, used some mesh on top to catch the droplets from the moist air.

                    Used some evergreen strips to make a guiderail, it clamps my dropletcatcher down, the front bulkhead, when pressed in, will also lock it down from the front, first this has to dry, so i made a really boring vid, the big question is, do you guys want to see it?, the posibilitys of falling asleep are big, so it can also be used as a relax therapy, it's up to you guys.

                    Last edited by MFR1964; 10-23-2013, 12:05 PM.
                    I went underground


                    • trout

                      • Jul 2011
                      • 3628

                      Manfred, are you having a moment of weakness? Say it is not so. OF COURSE WE WANT TO SEE THE VIDEO. I hope that was subtle enough.

                      The droplet catcher is a great tip! I may have to use that!
                      Last edited by trout; 10-23-2013, 09:50 AM.
                      If you can cut, drill, saw, hit things and swear a lot, you're well on the way to building a working model sub.


                      • MFR1964
                        Detail Nut of the First Order

                        • Sep 2010
                        • 1388

                        I always become soft when launching the SD the first time, it's such a emotional event, you have to let go your technical child, boehoehoe, snirf,
                        i'll edit the vid, it will take some time because i have watery eyes.

                        As for the droplet catcher, i have a simular thing inside my type VII, that's more a little bucket with watersensors inside, just a insurance against massive waterfloods inside my boat, that boat will blow instantly when it's detecting water inside the bucket or boat.

                        Last edited by MFR1964; 10-23-2013, 10:11 AM.
                        I went underground


                        • MFR1964
                          Detail Nut of the First Order

                          • Sep 2010
                          • 1388

                          Make yourself comfortable, happy dreams!!!

                          I went underground


                          • Peter W
                            • May 2011
                            • 509

                            Manfred, Nothing wrong with that video just hearing your musings is educational.

                            2 points though. 1. Were the real type 23's held together with that many screws????? and 2. Every time you open up the different sections of your sub it makes a really satisfying snapping sound, on the video it does anyway.



                            • MFR1964
                              Detail Nut of the First Order

                              • Sep 2010
                              • 1388


                              1, In the real live, they did build them in seperate parts, i assume that they were welded together, sound much easier then using bolts and nuts, and you get a good seal with welding.

                              2,It really snaps together wether you take it apart or assemble, that's due to the good fitting form of this model.

                              I went underground


                              • MFR1964
                                Detail Nut of the First Order

                                • Sep 2010
                                • 1388

                                Lord and behold!!!, the beast has seen water!!!,

                                Only in the testpool, but what the heck.
                                That lovely vertical system of mine is giving me a hard time, David allready mentioned it, hard to get in or out with trimming, for now i'll only use rubber bands for easy opening and closing.

                                This is the foam base for the rearpart, i had to add some to compensate the weight in the back.

                                Same story at the frontpart, simply to compensate my tubes.

                                This is where i stand now, with 300 grams of lead straight under the conningtower, pretty much on the waterline, now i have to get those foam blocks inside my hull, i'll probably split them into chunks for easy use, i did several dives to get her under, more then enough capacity inside the ballasttank, so more foam has to be added above the waterline.
                                Due to the high conningtower,filled with my sliding stuff, she is highly unstable, have to fix that with some more lead at the keel, the CG is straight under the conningtower, this procedure will take more time due to my "snap on" system.

                                I went underground

