Converting the Bronco type XXIII to RC
Let's see if my trick will work, don't know about the exact space/height you've got in that skipjack conningtower, but i think it will be possible to raise some stuff on your own command.
There is plenty of room inside that battery compartment to add another LPB and a airswitch with servo, in combination with those neat airconnectors Tom has made, you've got a easy connection to your actuator.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
Got my own idea for an extendable/retractable periscope mast.
How about using the air pump to extend (or retract) a spring equipped cylinder? A servo operated valve controls the release of air out of the cylinder.Make it simple, make strong, make it work!Comment
That is also a idea Romel, only bear on the trail will be, when using a spring, the height of the compressed spring will make your scope shorter, if you are not restricted by height, it can be made as you described.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
Tomorrow i can pick up my needed airswitch, last few days i did some work to get that scope and snorkel inside my conningtower.
First i made a template from the inside of the conningtower.
Took some circuitboard and made the real thing, allready with the needed holes inside, i also wanted to have a clear view inside when you open your conningtower hatch.
Sanded away the copper layer and drilled some 1 mm holes for better contact when glueing it tight.
Dryfitting all parts, still have to make some flanges onto the actuators, all components will be secured by little M2 screws, so if needed, i can take it out for maintenance.
This is maximum height i can get, the actuators still will fit inside the tower without obstructing the SD, retracted in the lowest position you only can see the peroscopehead and snorkelhead.
If i've got my airswitch i can start with the inside of the SD, for now i can add the details on both the scope and snorkel, i even have a neat idea about something else, have to see about that.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
Made some in the mood pictures after some serious sessions at the SkunkWorks, tomorrow testing the stuff, tinkering and a vid,
I never had made pictures to see how the XXIII looks like compared with my type VIIC, this is neat!!!
Made a construction to place both boats on the stand of the type VII, i have some idea's to extend my static display.
Slapped some paint on the scope and snorkel, tomorrow i'll make some more detailed pics.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
Today i had high hopes to get all things running, guess what, it took some more effort as expected, so tomorrow i'll make the vid.
This is the maximum length i could get, added some details to the snorkelmast, there are some slidingguides and a tooth track added, in the real live this mast was raised/lowered by using a hydraulic motor, that's the reason of the tooth track.
I made the DF antenna retractable, so when the scope/snorkel is down, the antenna goes up.
When you raise the scope/snorkel it will go down by gravity.
I made a simple pullysystem, which is connected to the lower part of the snorkelmast, using gravity to get it down made it even less complicated.
Last thing todo is, making a vid of all things moving, be patient.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
One WOW is enough David, either you got itchy fingers, or during the last modification of the forum something went wrong, i suspect it's the last remark.
Now to some more serious stuff, the retracting stuff is in working order, made a vid to prove this, also a peek inside the SD to show the stuff which make this things happen.
Next step will be , prepping up the sub for some water, i suspect i'll need some extra lead and foam to counteract all the gizmo's i've build inside, David how much lead did you use intially?, i'm too lazy to plough your thread, enlighten me.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment
That video was an engineering class! Wow.
Now, get this thing in the water and we'll see if you suffer the same pitch-down problem plaguing my Bronco Type-23.
MWho is John Galt?Comment
That video was an engineering class! Wow.
Now, get this thing in the water and we'll see if you suffer the same pitch-down problem plaguing my Bronco Type-23.
MWho is John Galt?Comment
Getting this to work took some time, but it's fun, if this was a 32 parallel boat, those things would retract all the way down in the conningtower, that darned SD is in the way!!!, but i can live with the result.
Manfred.I went undergroundComment