today's work
Who is John Galt?Comment
No, Ken. Two different animals. The one I'm working is 1/96 resin printed (I'm a whore!).
DavidWho is John Galt?Comment
OK thanks. The one that I have. It's like Skip's Marlin. Styrene with no details on the styrene. Will require lots and lots of scribing to make it look like something more realistic, weld lines etc. Although it has the photo etch which I have not work with before. I think Bob said the kit is from someone in Czech area or someplace around there in Europe? It would be a real challenge to make something of it. Should I accept the challenge in your opinion, or not? If I did it would be on the shelf for a very long while until I finish many many other projects that I have lined up.Comment
OK thanks. The one that I have. It's like Skip's Marlin. Styrene with no details on the styrene. Will require lots and lots of scribing to make it look like something more realistic, weld lines etc. Although it has the photo etch which I have not work with before. I think Bob said the kit is from someone in Czech area or someplace around there in Europe? It would be a real challenge to make something of it. Should I accept the challenge in your opinion, or not? If I did it would be on the shelf for a very long while until I finish many many other projects that I have lined up.
DavidWho is John Galt?Comment
So Dave, the original kit model is not correct in Scale length? Good catch and praising your integrity to scale.Comment
The final tail piece has all the goodies, so had to be tough and hollow. Two propeller shafts, stern planes and linkage, and rudder and its linkage. Tight fit in a small model. The bow planes up front and WTC will be a snap.
Who is John Galt?Comment
David, I see in the last few photos that you had some orange peel from a clear coat (I am guessing). How do you correct it? Do you sand it out completely or just paint over it? Every once in awhile I get that from rattle cans and it ****es me off. One time it works and then it doesn't.If you can cut, drill, saw, hit things and swear a lot, you're well on the way to building a working model sub.Comment