Some final work on the linkages. I am trying an elevon system on the bow planes first. If you look at the output shafts, they are extra long to link to the stern planes. Lots of possibilities and room for a third output. The box is all mounted up and ready for electronics install. I am also experimenting with some smaller props and they fit great inside the nozzles. Good to have options and will see the results in the tub first.
James bond lotus submarine
Some final work on the linkages. I am trying an elevon system on the bow planes first. If you look at the output shafts, they are extra long to link to the stern planes. Lots of possibilities and room for a third output. The box is all mounted up and ready for electronics install. I am also experimenting with some smaller props and they fit great inside the nozzles. Good to have options and will see the results in the tub first.👎 1Comment
OK. Collective and differential on the two bow planes -- roll and depth control, I get that. What about the stern planes -- they get a free ride with no work to be done? I assume the motors will be used for yaw control?
DavidWho is John Galt?Comment
My motto is to keep it as simple as possible and sealing the feed lines for the servos through the box is a lot easier than dealing with mechanical seals for the linkages.Comment
Pretty much all the seals I ever bought from anybody have proven to be leaking within a couple of years. I avoid them like the plague. And don't get me started on sub drivers and their o-rings. Their record is even worse. Everything leaks all the time.
I don't use silicone to seal the wires. I use epoxy, that's the one thing that actually seals for good, for years.Last edited by tifosi12; 05-01-2024, 01:20 PM.Comment
Good for you.
Pretty much all the seals I ever bought from anybody have proven to be leaking within a couple of years. I avoid them like the plague. And don't get me started on sub drivers and their o-rings. Their record is even worse. Everything leaks all the time.
I don't use silicone to seal the wires. I use epoxy, that's the one thing that actually seals for good, for years.
Thanks for the amazing, constructive comments...
Edited for politenessLast edited by ffr2608; 05-01-2024, 04:00 PM.Comment
Yeah geez it was only a few weeks. Most of us from what I've seen are not kids to put it mildly. Life can get in the way, or worse yet the opposite. At any rate I was out for about the same period of time on my build thread (had a minor illness) but no one cared I wasn't posting lol. So at least you have that going for you!Comment
Pressure box is nearing completion. I soldered up some bridge terminals for the wet outrunners and ESCs. Both can now be quickly changed. I also added a 5th channel to grab the stern planes and a potential angle keeper. Bow and stern planes can be swapped via linkages to get the best result. Battery will sit on top of the electronics. Almost ready for testing in the tub.Comment