When we moved from California to a retirement community in Arizona I donated most of my models and tools thinking my model building was over. A year and a half later I decided to do one more while I still could. I thought an LA class boat would be somewhat easy to do. Our community is about 25 miles north of Tucson so that's the boat I'll model. I found a piece of 3" PVC conduit up in the construction area and that got me started. Then found an interesting article that gave me an idea for shaping the bow. Tried shaping 1/4" MDF sections on the drill press but wasn't happy with result. I had better results using high density pink foam. Much easier but still had to refine the shape. Once I finally get the bow and stern formed I'll cover them with fiberglass and epoxy resin.
Will Rogers
SSBN 659
Will Rogers
SSBN 659