. Bill Bibeault Bronco Type XXIII Build
I'm struggling with cutting that top off in a straight line. Just as in the pictures of that thread.
Ahoi!Leave a comment:
One more Bronco Type XXIIIBuild,however before anyone reads this build of the U-2326,they must read Tom Chalfant, Manfred, David, and Bob Martin’s build of a type XXIII.
They are the Master, submarine modelers builders. If you Google Type XXIII you will find several more, but none as good as this group of Builders. I have an edited copy of Tom build, sent me your email address and I will send you a PDF of it.
Toms Build:
Manfred’s Build :
David Douglass Merriman ll
https://forum.sub-driver.com/forum/g...5th-scale/page 1
Bob Martin home page
The Nautilus Drydocks offers exceptional scale models, accessories and RC components with a focus on military, sci-fi and fantasy submarines. Custom buildup services for display or remote control operation available!
Bob YouTube on the type XXIII(Google for about 60 more youtube,s on Submarine boat building)
Athens Ga.
I'm a newbie on here and in the RC sub hobby. I'm trying to follow these build links as I'm getting started on my Bronco XXIII sub. However none of these links lead me to the actual build but all lead back to the default home page. What am I missing?
Thanks for your help. My biggest question is what to do with all the bits in the fittings kit.Leave a comment:
Here are the boat I am taking to Fl. Sorry David if you don't know what they are But I am sure Tom can help you.
My little sail boat
My Scharnhorst
Made this one big for David
My Yellow Submarine in back of the iX12 that I am trying to sellLeave a comment:
OK David I got my goodies from Bob today can complete my WTC when I come back from Fl. no more stuff broke now HaHaLeave a comment:
I then suppose you are refering to modern Post-WW II print texts in usual latin letters vs old style print letters, called "Sütterlin". That was the common until 1945. Other then this there is no difference, the words remain the same unless your books are from the 18th centuryLeave a comment:
Thanks for the reply and I was talking about written German as in a book.
From my books of WWII in German it seems that the German language is different then the German language of today.
When I was trying to find some one to translate my German books for me, the first question they would ask me Are the books old German or new German.
That's all I known about Old and new German.
BillLeave a comment:
Manfred, two items
One when I come back from FL, next week, I will look into the deep deep hole of my computer and find the research I did on theschlaugboote or as I call them life rafts ,on thedifferent types of U-Boat
Two I know that translation of the German language is very hard for a lot of people. When I was researching and building Schnellboats, I had a few books in German, it seems that you have a old German and a new German. The girl in Atlanta that was translationing them for me had trouble as she did not known the old German. Is this a true statement about old and new?
Here is a photo of my CIA S-116 great history for people in the S-boats. Hope David can read all this.
Ps correct term is "Schlauchboot", which solely describes the type of craft. Mustnt necessarily be a lifeboat
Regards Jörg from Modern GermanyLeave a comment:
I see that you built a 1/72 scale type IX and you could have done better with that rat nest of wiring wow.
My question is did you sail her ? for a small boat how did it sail ?
BillLeave a comment:
Bill, yes it's true that there is 'old' and 'new' german, like every language it's evolving, i know both because i've got some roots in Germany, makes live easier when reading books.
Don't forget we mostly use the technical german language to make things more complicated, so at the end you've got three choices, herrlich!!
Manfred.Leave a comment:
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