Skip Asay article, and other model boating articles, maybe
I recall seeing a blurb in the SCR wherein Charlie was featured and quite excited to be in possession of that fine vessel.👍 1 -
Ahhhh, I recall Skip telling me he sold something to Charlie Callas, and that he did get it back, just was not sure which one he gave him. Thanks for clarifying this boat.👍 1Leave a comment:
It’s scratch built. I’m the current owner of that Type XXIII. Skip told me a long time ago that he sold it to comedian Charlie Callas, and somehow it made its way back to me.
Right now, it’s sitting on the floor of my hobby room/workshop Fantastic model.even after all these years. It uses a windshield washer pump to raise and lower the masts/snorkel. Independent boxes for the internals. Geared motor for the propulsion. It even came with its own wheeled cart to get it in and out of the water. I am proud to own this boat. I love the XXIII; including this one, I have 4 of them…two Bronco kits, an OTW one, and Skip’s.Last edited by goshawk823; 11-17-2023, 10:21 PM.Leave a comment:
I don't know if I posted these pictures before or not. These are pics of Skip's Type XXIII taken at the Monmouth College indoor pool they had for swim meets. In the diving end they had an underwater view port as you can see. This happened in 1985. We arranged to put on a model show for a few winters. Ahhhh the good old days when we were younger, more ambitious and more people were interested in the hobby. Have other pics from that day but I have to scan them.
I don't know anything about Skip's model. Was this scratch built or maybe the Bronco kit? When did Bronco come out with the XXIII?
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Right you are. Here is the full article. Scanner seems to tilt the article.Leave a comment:
One thing I really missed. A retired machinist friend recently passed away. He had video's of our club events. One of these was a group of members talking about model boats. It was sort of a teaser to new people getting involved. Skip was in the video, and when he made mistakes or stumbled on his words, he would curse and laugh at himself. It was a great video! Unfortunately the video's were tossed.Leave a comment:
Dave, you and I met in '92 at the first ad hoc Regatta in Groton. I was 30.
Now I'm 61. Let that stew a bit.
Speaking of the date here Ken....
This particular handout must be post '93 with respect to the date. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think SubTech was formed that year, and it's listed on this handout.
I DON'T remember SubTech even being mentioned in '91 when I met both Skip and Mike at the SSMA Sayreville NJ Sub Run. Man I wish I could find THAT video for posterity. I don't recall seeing it in those handouts though much of the information is the same. Earliest mention I see of SubTech in the SCR Issue 12 Spring '93.
What great stuff!
Thanks Ken!
Speaking of nostalgia, and those who paved the way......
1993 (Winner, winner chicken dinner!!)
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Hopefully you can post more! Enjoy reading his stuff!
Thanks Ken for posting.Leave a comment:
Good stuff, Ken.
Skip Assay, the REAL Godfather of American r/c submarining.
His commercially available devices and kits got the ball rolling for many of us back in the day.
DavidLeave a comment:
Skip Asay article, and other model boating articles, maybe
Back in the late 70's we formed a model boat club in the central NJ area. Skip was one of the primary members to get it kick started so I've known him since then. One of the things we did for a while during our 2-3 hour meetings was have a topic of discussion. It usually ended up being the same people rotating topics even though there were 50-100 members, typical. It was also usually the same people that were the head honchos, typical again. Each topic usually had handouts which I collected in binders, unfortunately I did not date them. I was looking for info on LED's for a talk at our next meeting for the 8 members we have left. In doing so I came across an article by Skip, see the attached PDF. Also a catalog of what he had available from Subtech, also attached. Check them out if you want. Even though I knew Skip was into submarines at the time, I didn't catch the bug. Sometime around 2000-2001 I got a Marlin kit from him. It sat in the box until 2011ish when I built the Marlin. Wish I got the bug sooner. I also knew a party boat captain that I got plans from to build a model of the party boat he operated. He was also a scuba diver. Again, I knew this but didn't get the diving bug until 10 years later. So I missed two opportunities I should have caught earlier in my years. oh well. Not fretting over it.
Hopefully attaching the PDF's worked OK. As I look though the binders I'll see if there is anything else worth scanning and posting. Done with my babble for now.
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