Russian Rocketboat OSA II

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  • MFR1964
    Detail Nut of the First Order
    • Sep 2010
    • 1331

    Russian Rocketboat OSA II

    For those who think why my postings are low, well, there is a reason, during the summertime i always build on my OSA, it's a long lasting project, but i spend three months a year on this boat.
    I'll fill you guys in from the start a few years ago,

    In this state she was wondering around on the attic for some years, made this model before i got infected by building subs, the hull itself is modified from the PT15, and made shorter to resemble the OSA hull.
    The only way to do this right was to strip her down bare to the bone and start all over again, some parts i could re use, others not.

    The upperpart was saved, the size is not right, way to big, but that could be modified.

    Removed the launchtubes and all other parts from the deck to give me a clear start, the guns will stay for this time untill i made some more scale like gunturrets, still have to do that.

    I'm still far away from this result, but it keeps me motivated to get it right.

    I went underground
  • greenman407
    • Feb 2009
    • 7530

    Im glad to see that you have something to keep you busy. It wouldnt do at all to know that you are sitting at home staring at your feet. Great looking U Boat by the way.


    • herrmill
      • Dec 2008
      • 360

      Nice work! Its the modern equivalent of the OSA that give me concern when & if the balloon goes up in the Persian Gulf. All I can say is I hope we have a lot of anti-missiles on the rails & aircraft in the air when these clowns head out to sea in their modified ski boats.

      Click image for larger version

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      • MFR1964
        Detail Nut of the First Order
        • Sep 2010
        • 1331

        I never get bored building subs, but once in a while i keep my skills sharp with tinkering on my OSA, each year she's getting better and better, the type VIIC is my oldest sub, rebuilded her 5 times and finished her a few years ago, although finished she never will be with the endless info from the internet.

        Thanks, this is only the start, done a lot more last few years, wait and see, those little boats look like wasps with a nasty sting, for controlling the OSA you need at last skilled staff.

        The first new things glued to the hull, on my drawings there is a kind of balkony, used styrene strips to imitate that.

        All balkony's have reinforcements underneath, so i had to do this four times, when glued tight i made a 45 degree cut at the end of the reinforcements to get it flush to the balkony.

        Adding the rim was done by using pre cut styrene strips, this rim is one of the eyecatching things on the hull.

        I went underground


        • Snipah
          • Jul 2012
          • 67

          Hi Manfred, What scale is your OSA?
          I would deffinately love to build one in 1/72nd scale. Does the build list ever shorten? lol




          • MFR1964
            Detail Nut of the First Order
            • Sep 2010
            • 1331


            I've made mine at scale 1:40, giving me a total lenght of 81 cm, 1:72 seems very small to me it will be a challence.
            I've added her already a few years ago to the buildinglist, and yes, it will grow each time i add a new build, you have to do something with your spare time.

            After the balcony's i started with the exhaust and coolingwater outlet.

            There are a couple of holes present at the hull, made them from brass tubing and soldered a flange onto them, secured them with 2K glue to get a watertight connection.

            I decided to take a run at making the cooling outlets functional, by using a simple pump it's possible to show some coolingwater.

            Made a inlet under the waterline to feed the pump, by making a electrical connection to the main engine i can regulate the amount of water which will come out of the outlet's, slow driving means less water, running at top speed more water, it has no other function than being cosmetic.

            I went underground


            • MFR1964
              Detail Nut of the First Order
              • Sep 2010
              • 1331


              After finishing up the basic things on the hull i started with building up the electronics, used a old receiver for testing.

              Made my own battery packs, tried to keep them as light as possible, but with enough juice to get me a nice run.

              From the outside it seems to be a cannon turret but it's hiding something.

              You can lift out the centerpart to reveal the on/off switch and the charging plugs, i know that they are not scale yet, but i now have enough info to build some scale one's, a russian modelbuilder profided me with some nice drawings and pictures.

              After testing the basic things i started with sanding the upperdeck to get the balcony's flush with the deck, also filled up some old holes with styrene strips and filler, still a long way from shooting some primer on the deck.

              I went underground


              • He Who Shall Not Be Named
                • Aug 2008
                • 12643

                This thing is going to be pure terror once under way.

                Who is John Galt?


                • MFR1964
                  Detail Nut of the First Order
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 1331

                  More a weapon of mass destruction David, it will become usefull to clear the pond from other drivers, so i can enjoy driving my subs alone in silence.
                  How?, i'll show what i allready have done to forefill this goal.

                  This boat has a nasty sting of four rocket tubes, the idea popped up to make it functional with live rockets, this is the first prototype i've made.

                  Removed the top tube to show what's inside, a mechanism for opening and closing, the spring on top is now extended to keep the lid shut.

                  By pulling on a string at the back you can compress the spring and the lid will open.

                  Also made a vid to show how the mechanism will work in real time, because this was still a prototype i tried to keep it simple and controlled it by hand.

                  I went underground


                  • satlite440
                    Lieutenant Commander
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 177

                    what are the tubes made out of? will thet hold up to repeated launches? maby brass pipe for repeated riple fire.... nice job so far... i want to do a itiari 1/35 scale s100 shcnellbooot with working lursenn effect rudders as my next build after the VIIc is done...


                    • MFR1964
                      Detail Nut of the First Order
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 1331

                      The tubes are made from PVC, this will not hold up against multiple launches and the generated heat, inside the final design i placed a copper box containing a copper tube which holds the rocket, by doing this it's possible to shoot time after time without damaging the PVC outer tube.
                      Later on i'll show what the endproduct has become, be patient.

                      Since the first design was succesfull i linked it up with a servo to see if any problems will appear.

                      Hitted the boat several times with primer and sandingpaper, she was now ready to receive some colour.

                      I decided to go for the pacific coloursceme, brick red on the dek, primergrey overall structure and green under the waterline.

                      Used the dremel with cuttingdisk to make some adjustments to the upperstructure, had to add some holes and made it shorter.

                      Compared to the pictures i have it's now more scale on the dimensions.

                      Also corrected one mistake, the cannon turret was way close to the bow, on my pictures it's more located just before the steeringhouse.

                      Also adjusted the length of the launchingtubes, the one on the back is the test tube and the one in front the final size.

                      I went underground


                      • MFR1964
                        Detail Nut of the First Order
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 1331


                        Once the dimensions were right i started to fix all the holes i've cut with the dremel.

                        I guess those humbs are part of the cooling installation, they show up on the pics i have.

                        Each step it becomes better and better, nice stuff to work with styrene, i've bought a massive amount pre cut styrene at a nice discount, unfortunally the hobby shop where i've got the stuff is going to close, accourding to the owner due to the internet and webshops, he wished he jumped in earlier instead of having the classic hobbyshop.

                        I also had to add some railing, this is the start with all the needed stanchions.

                        Used pieces of lead to get the same height all over the deck.

                        After some well spended time it's getting somewhere, due to getting more strenght i've chosen to get double railings, also added a nice addition that showed up at some of the pictures.

                        I went underground


                        • He Who Shall Not Be Named
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 12643

                          This thing is taking shape! More!.....

                          Who is John Galt?


                          • MFR1964
                            Detail Nut of the First Order
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 1331

                            Ok i'll feed you guys some more, remember that all this is done during a three year period, making this thread gives the total proces of rebuilding this boat untill now.

                            On some pictures i discovered something strange about the railings, on certain places it seemed different.

                            I found out it was a kind of movable construction for maintenance on the outside of the launchtubes, using some small copper tubes and rods i tried to get the same result.

                            Adding some aluminum mesh to imitate the original steel mesh.

                            There are four such movable plaforms on each side of the boat.

                            Near the front of the boat they places some chains to get access to the deck when in harbour.

                            More work done on the superstructure, the beloved filling and sanding has started.

                            The result after some sanding, managed to get the rounded corners at the front part, still a long way to go.

                            Just like always the filling and sanding seems to be endless, when you think you're finished it's starting all over again.

                            I went underground


                            • MFR1964
                              Detail Nut of the First Order
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 1331


                              The dome was the only part i could re use, the rest went into the bin.

                              I decided to make the radar tower from copper.

                              A dryfitt to see if the dimensions are right.

                              This is the reason why i went for copper, adding railings and ladders becomes much easier.

                              With the drawings from the russian modelbuilder beside me i started to add the panels on both sides of the upperstructure.

                              I went underground

