Non modeling topic, way off topic

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  • Ken_NJ
    • Sep 2014
    • 786

    Non modeling topic, way off topic

    Bob, ever thought of having a lounge area were we can just BS about non model topics? This belongs there if you make one. Hope you don't mind me posting this. If I'm breaking the rules, oh well.

    We get old. Most of us are in that older crowd. Nearly a year ago, I think a year ago because my mind is selectively forgetful at the age I'm at now, annoys the hell out of me. How bout you? I'm mostly likely going to ramble in this thread, have no place else to do it, and you will see why, as I consider you all my friend and I like this group. So maybe a year ago, maybe longer, I started to develop arthritis in my left foot. It hurts to walk. The skin in the area gets red and irritated. From the x-ray you can see the bones being separated, hence some of the pain. If I can find the x-ray picture I'll post it. My girlfriend Carol likes to walk. I can't walk with her due to this, at least long walks. One of the things I plan on doing while I'm sitting on my butt is clean up my hard drive and organizing it, and finding that x-ray pic. Today I went to the hospital as planned and my podiatrist removed the arthritis and she also said I have something called Lisfranc injury ( Removing the arthritis she said it should not come back, hope she is right. The Lisfranc repair consists of a screw and a plate in my foot to fuse the big toe bones to the other parts of the foot. She said once healed I won't notice it there. I hope she is right again. Anyone else have this done? Although alarms will be probably be set off going through TSA at the airport.

    My recovery consists of this. Foot wrapped and in a boot for four weeks. Cannot put pressure on the foot for four weeks while it heals and keep it elevated above my hips (No standing for a time). Going to be a pain in the a** to shower or use the toilet among other things. But we practiced before the procedure and have the rights 'tools' in place to help mitigate those things around the house. I have a very good nurse. Although I am pretty darn good with model building (there I mentioned it for the sake of this forum), Carol is pretty darn good with people and the body. Although she may be upset with me out of commission in most ways for the next month or so, I feel upset about placing a burden on her. But we are an excellent partnership so we will work through this. I will be able to get up off my butt and scoot around on my knee cart, or crutches (ugh, crutches suck). My huge problem I will not be able the navigate stairs so I cannot get into the basement for now where my shop and office is. THIS is going to kill me!

    My plans to satisfy myself for the time being are this, not in any order. Most of these I already procrastinated on foe a while, so now is the perfect time to start on these. To name a few.
    Do a wedding video of what video I have for my daughter, married on Oct 1. (Priority #1)
    Clean/organize my MacBook hard drive.
    Update my web site.
    Update party boat progress in this forum
    Update Skipjack stuff on this forum
    Do some mini-videos for what I have from Subfest 2023.
    Read/learn the books I have to get a six-pack boating Captains license, and prep for the test.
    Read some other model/nautical books I have.
    Start drafting up plans for the next party/fishing boat I will be building. Dining room table.
    A maybe, I have a Occre sailing ship kit of the whale ship Essex from te movie & book 'In The Heart of the Sea'. Can use the dining room table for a time.
    Off course there is the Type XXIII I which I have everything to start, but it will have to wait.
    And there is always TV shows, Most of the Gold Rush shows, Battlebots, and when it comes back Curse of Oak Island. Then there are our shared shows.

    I told you I'd be rambling. Enough for now, more rambling to come.

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2389.jpg Views:	0 Size:	58.2 KB ID:	175205

    Have a very mean pumpkin staring me down!!

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2387.jpg Views:	0 Size:	62.9 KB ID:	175204

    Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2369.jpg Views:	0 Size:	50.8 KB ID:	175203
    Last edited by Ken_NJ; 10-23-2023, 06:33 PM.
  • He Who Shall Not Be Named
    • Aug 2008
    • 12526

    You pathetic lump of useless clay. Hop on that old-man's skat-board and race down the basement steps to your shop where you belong.


    Who is John Galt?


    • SubSteve
      • Apr 2022
      • 66

      You can always count on Dave for an uplifting, compassionate suggestion!


      • Ken_NJ
        • Sep 2014
        • 786

        Agreed Steve!
        When I write something to post here, after I click 'Post Reply', I always wonder what kind of snide endearing reply I might get from David. As though I am waiting for it and cannot get enough of them. I always share said reply with Carol and we both laugh and enjoy what he says. Now maybe he is doing this now,, but after he does that, I know he must have a smile on that mug of his. There is no evil in that man, he is a person that encourages you to try to get the best out of you and make yourself better.
        David, ignore what I just said and resume your delightful comments to all.


        • rwtdiver
          Vice Admiral
          • Feb 2019
          • 1826


          I hope your operation was a great success and you start on the road to recovery! You sure are right about getting old. Golden years my butt!! You hang in there "Old Man" and get well soon Ken.

          Beings you started this post, might be some of us might just chime in as well to try and gain some of Davids sympathy!

          "Firemen can stand the heat."


          • He Who Shall Not Be Named
            • Aug 2008
            • 12526

            In the Kansas studio, building a forced perspective miniature of a spaceship hangar. And other related stuff to that job.

            Who is John Galt?


            • Alucard
              Lieutenant Commander
              • Aug 2023
              • 105

              Ken, my wife Ginny used the knee scouter a few times worked well for her. You know what is really going to happen, you are going to start some of the projects you listed above and then somehow you are going to find a computer game and your life will be over it will just be playing and everything will be back to normal, a bunch of stuff to do but gaming taking it's place. Currently I am trying to survive in the game ARK.
              Take care and i will keep in touch.


              • Das Boot
                Rear Admiral
                • Dec 2019
                • 1179

                David needs a scooter for that oversized melon between his shoulders.
                Of the 40,000 men who served on German submarines, 30,000 never returned.”


                • Ken_NJ
                  • Sep 2014
                  • 786

                  Originally posted by Alucard
                  computer game
                  No way Alan! Already told I'm on the computer too much. I have an excuse being sidelined for now. When it's over back to building!


                  • Alucard
                    Lieutenant Commander
                    • Aug 2023
                    • 105

                    I'm told the something, but you will have an excuse.


                    • Ken_NJ
                      • Sep 2014
                      • 786

                      Completed the wedding video. Doing some reading, Bob's excellent book. I read about half during the summer before Subfest, working on the last half. Perhaps Bob will have a version 2 with the knowledge he is gaining with the FrSky radios. Perhaps an advanced version for model builders? Would there be enough content for an advanced version?

                      Alan, if you don't already have Bob's book, it would be useful for you.

                      Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG_2395.jpg Views:	0 Size:	52.5 KB ID:	175255


                      • Alucard
                        Lieutenant Commander
                        • Aug 2023
                        • 105

                        first thing I bought from him, I have a digital copy, good book.


                        • Ken_NJ
                          • Sep 2014
                          • 786

                          Watching The Rat Patrol.

                          While filming an episode, one of the jeeps flipped and Christopher George and one other actor was injured. This filming took place around 1966. The show was only on the air from 66-68 with 58 episodes. Christopher George had some internal injuries but appear to recover and continued on. He eventually passed away in 1983 and it was determined he died as a result of his previous injuries from The Rat Patrol accident.


                          • Alucard
                            Lieutenant Commander
                            • Aug 2023
                            • 105

                            I remember watching the rat Patrol when I was a kid, I loved it when the jeeps jump over the hills and Eric Braden was in one of my favorite movies "Colossus the Forbin Project great movie showing man vs machine.


                            • Ken_NJ
                              • Sep 2014
                              • 786

                              Yea watched him in Colossus as well. I just checked, no hits on any of my streaming channels.

                              Rat Patrol, acting is bad, story line also. How it was back then. All the German's get shot, never any fake blood even, American's hardly ever get shot. Two jeeps with machine guns can blow up a whole convoy and tanks. Wonder how many vehicles they blew up in this show.
                              Last edited by Ken_NJ; 10-26-2023, 01:04 PM.

