inished a little side project: Spanish submarine Peral - the first fully electric submarine and the first sub to fire a torpedo submerged, all that as early as 1888. it‘s called the first uboat and it was definitely ahead of its time. Scale is 1/144, again by Ukrainian company Mikro Mir. Fun build and a nice finished boat that will find its place right next to the Russian Delfin.

Spanish submarine "Peral" - 1/144 display model by Mikro Mir
Beautiful display, Doctor. And it seems that the Spanish Admiralty of the time shared the same, 'No deck to strut upon' syndrome as other navies of the time.Who is John Galt? -
Thanks! I think Peral could be a nice little RC project. Simply but interesting hull but, ideal shape for a WTC and making a static diver with propellers that pull the boat down...I had a RC submarine as a kid that used that principle and it worked quite well.
Last edited by DrSchmidt; 07-22-2024, 12:33 AM.Comment