BLHeli_32 comes to an end
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... and all of a sudden that dumb, useless, antiquated FM'ed 72 and 75mHz gear is looking pretty good just about now.
You think the AMA has become tyrannical?... wait till the UN marches into your house to take your r/c gear away (while they're at it, they'll also take your guns and plant illegal families in your spare bedrooms).Last edited by He Who Shall Not Be Named; 06-06-2024, 04:35 PM.Who is John Galt? -
Do bear in mind that this won't affect existing controllers, it simply means no further updates and once existing BLHeli stock sells out, that will be the end of that branch of firmware.
However, there are alternative firmware that are as good or better that will work with these esc's.Comment
Blheli is firmware for some types of brushless esc. No impact on radio control systems
in the case of blheli Escs, the loss of the firmware is not a huge blow, because there are other sources of firmware that can be used with this type of esc that are freely available and actually better. AM32 and ESCape32 are two that come to mind.Comment
... and all of a sudden that dumb, useless, antiquated FM'ed 72 and 75mHz gear is looking pretty good just about now.
You think the AMA has become tyrannical?... wait till the UN marches into your house to take your r/c gear away (while they're at it, they'll also take your guns and plant illegal families in your spare bedrooms).Comment