Priceing and options for the 3.5/2 Subdriver

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  • jeep4grog
    Lieutenant, Junior Grade
    • Jan 2009
    • 41

    Priceing and options for the 3.5/2 Subdriver

    Can I get a price for a complete 3.5/2 subdriver kit, a list of parts that come with it, including suggested options, like the new snort, etc?

    I tired to use your contact us email, but I can't see the security screen and can't put in the code to send an email. :(

    I have the servo's, ESC's, radio system and basic build stuff.

  • toppack
    Rear Admiral
    • Nov 2008
    • 1124

    Originally posted by jeep4grog

    I tired to use your contact us email, but I can't see the security screen and can't put in the code to send an email. :(
    Which computer Operating system are you using?
    The 'contact Us' page will not come up on my older computer that has Windows-98 but will on those with XP.
    New versions of software, being installed on websites everywhere, have really made my Life Difficult in the last year or so. :(
    Last edited by toppack; 01-05-2009, 02:11 PM.
    Rick L.
    * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
    Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


    • Kazzer
      • Aug 2008
      • 2850

      I use a Mac! Love it!
      Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!


      • Kazzer
        • Aug 2008
        • 2850

        Originally posted by jeep4grog
        Can I get a price for a complete 3.5/2 subdriver kit, a list of parts that come with it, including suggested options, like the new snort, etc?

        I tired to use your contact us email, but I can't see the security screen and can't put in the code to send an email. :(

        I have the servo's, ESC's, radio system and basic build stuff.

        OK! You need to order the 3.5/2 Sub-driver KIT. Made up units are now discontinued.

        1 x 3.5" cylinder
        1 Aft bulkhead with motors, seals and equipment tray
        1 x ballast bulkhead with servo, blow valve, vent valve, gas saver and tubing.
        1 x gas tank
        1 x forward end cap
        Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!


        • toppack
          Rear Admiral
          • Nov 2008
          • 1124

          Originally posted by kazzer
          I use a Mac! Love it!
          A Mac :eek:................I'm so Sorry to here that..........You have my Simpathy! :p
          Last edited by toppack; 01-06-2009, 12:11 PM.
          Rick L.
          * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
          Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


          • jeep4grog
            Lieutenant, Junior Grade
            • Jan 2009
            • 41

            It's not the OS, its the fact that I logged on at work (during lunch of course) and our firewall killed it...

            And today we are getting a fine freezing rain.


            • jeep4grog
              Lieutenant, Junior Grade
              • Jan 2009
              • 41

              Ok, now for the really dumb question.

              How do I place the order? The kit is not listed on the site, only the complete unit...


              • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                • Aug 2008
                • 12955

                Originally posted by jeep4grog
                Ok, now for the really dumb question.

                How do I place the order? The kit is not listed on the site, only the complete unit...
                send the money to me, unmarked, small bills; plain Manila envelop; to our POB address. Mum's the word.

                Who is John Galt?


                • toppack
                  Rear Admiral
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 1124

                  :D LOL :D
                  That's David! :eek:
                  A Big Help, as Usual! ;)
                  Rick L.
                  * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
                  Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


                  • toppack
                    Rear Admiral
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 1124

                    You may want to give them a call.
                    To talk to 'Tha Man' (a real person).
                    (I don't think there is a 800 number tho.)
                    They can't answer some technical questions but they can find correct numbers and take the order,
                    and remind them that they need to update the website. ;)

                    Or use the 'Live Support' (Chat) on webpage, to get correct numbers.
                    (If you prefer to talk by keyboard)
                    Last edited by toppack; 01-07-2009, 01:16 PM.
                    Rick L.
                    * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
                    Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


                    • jeep4grog
                      Lieutenant, Junior Grade
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 41

                      Gee David,

                      I am out of small bils and all I have are rolls of nickels. Sent the nickels in a plain brown box...


                      • toppack
                        Rear Admiral
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 1124

                        I know who and what 'Metcalf Moldings' is, but can you tell me who 'Darnell' is, in relation to Metcalf?
                        I saw the names together in print and was curious? Are they the same person, first and last names maybe?
                        Last edited by toppack; 01-17-2009, 11:46 AM.
                        Rick L.
                        * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
                        Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


                        • Kazzer
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 2850

                          Darnell is the original mold maker. He sold the molds to Dave Metcalfe and the models went through a period of poorer quality manufacture. Andy Grigg bought all the molds and has spent some time repairing them and building new frames etc.

                          Andy's lay-up work is first class and the models are really now good, in my opinion. With the case of the X Craft, there are some details which are incorrect, but easily fixed. This is due to Darnell's interpretation of the model being made with little actual data available some fifty years ago.
                          Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!


                          • toppack
                            Rear Admiral
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 1124

                            Thanks Mike, That Clears up a lot I didn't understand.
                            Rick L.
                            * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
                            Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


                            • jeep4grog
                              Lieutenant, Junior Grade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 41

                              Well it seems that the 3.5/2 Subdriver I ordered has shipped and it should be here Tuesday(ish). Thanks Dave!! Once it gets here, I will start to fit all the running gear.

                              Currently I am trying to figure out a way to get the bow planes to retract and operate now. I really dont like the planes they sent as they are very thick and not well mounted.

                              New ideas, suggestions and nit-picking criticisms are welcome as always!:cool:

                              This is my second sub. I have a modified/updated Dicky tug to rescue my sailboats, my improved Dumas "Bluefish" and now the P Class. I will share the rebuild of the sub with all here. I will start a build thread when the subdriver arrives.

                              Thanks everyone for your help in getting this started again...

