Visitor message from loftdriver


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Rick Teskey
Rick Teskey
Lieutenant Commander
Last Activity: 04-22-2024, 02:23 PM
Joined: 01-29-2009
Location: Oshawa

  • Visitor message from LOFTDRIVER

    LOFTDRIVER posted a Visitor Message for Rick Teskey
    Hello Rick , Sorry for the late reply to your message as it is on my works pc ( will need to change to my home address) . Yes I still have the Seaview
    and still have it as a work in progress . I have not been able to get to my work bench in the loft due to family matters .All the bits for the ballast tank have been bought ,just need to clear the bench to do it . I hope to have the loft clear by the spring ready for a mass build . I have two boats (a type
    xxi and an old Engel Patrick Henry ) just waiting there final testing . God I miss not getting out there and getting wet .

  • Rick Teskey
    Thank you
    I know the feeling of wanting too barricade my self in the shop and be left too my madness baby steps sigh
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