Hunt for Red October filming props

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  • redboat219

    • Dec 2008
    • 3181

    Hunt for Red October filming props

    Some guys have all the luck. luck
    Make it simple, make strong, make it work!
  • Albacore 569

    • Sep 2020
    • 453

    Thank you for sharing. But compared to the work in the RC sub hobby, if there was judging, those movie models would not even place in my opinion. very Underwhelmed. I don't see Merriman's excellent prop on the Alpha. The Alpha looks the best of the two. But the Photography was not the best in the article either - it showcased the suckers that blew 15K instead of model details. So, the models may look better actually than depicted. I think they should send to Merriman and have him to a restoration and ginger them up, blowing another 15K.
    Last edited by Albacore 569; 10-23-2024, 05:22 PM.


    • He Who Shall Not Be Named

      • Aug 2008
      • 12964

      Originally posted by Albacore 569
      Thank you for sharing. But compared to the work in the RC sub hobby, if there was judging, those movie models would not even place in my opinion. very Underwhelmed. I don't see Merriman's excellent prop on the Alpha. The Alpha looks the best of the two. But the Photography was not the best in the article either - it showcased the suckers that blew 15K instead of model details. So, the models may look better actually than depicted. I think they should send to Merriman and have him to a restoration and ginger them up, blowing another 15K.
      Ellie and I stopped doing that kind of work since that colossal ass-****ing we took on the SEAVIEW restoration. Homie don't play dat game no more. A restoration for our peer colleges in Burbank for love of subject, sure. But not for 'collectors' Brokers or institutions -- **** that ****!

      When it can be fun and personally rewarding:

      Bob Burns and Bob Skotak work restoring the 'booster' element of the SPACESHIP-1 miniature used in the Geroge Pal movie, The Conquest of Space. Mike Minor, while dressing one of the sets for the second Star Trek movie found it at the Paramount storage facility and got it to the Bob's after that particular set was broken down. It's next stop at Paramount would have been a dumpster.

      The completely restored SPACSHIP-1 at the Bob Burns museum. The Burbank guys did the 'wing' and 'booster'. Ellie and I did the 'Pilot Ship' (that rocket looking thing on the back of the 'wing'.

      One of the best free-lance miniature effects guys in the business, Bob Skotak, at work fixing up the 'booster'

      I think most of the 'Wing' restoration was done at Boss Films, after working hours. One of the many Burbank miniature makers at work on the restoration.

      They sent us the remnants of the 'Pilot Ship' for restoration which entailed production of lost parts (the story has it that the miniatures appendages were broken off by the crew of a Jerry Lewis movie -- turning the ship into a big gag bullet). I had to cut the ship miniature in two to remove the big, heavy foundation that mounted actual pyrotechnic flares, used for the ship take-off scene (which burned the 'Wing' on several takes I hear).

      Post 'Pilot Ship' restoration. Ready for its trip back to California where it would be integrated with the other two elements of the SPACESHIP-1 miniature.

      Who is John Galt?


      • He Who Shall Not Be Named

        • Aug 2008
        • 12964

        Originally posted by Albacore 569
        Thank you for sharing. But compared to the work in the RC sub hobby, if there was judging, those movie models would not even place in my opinion. very Underwhelmed. I don't see Merriman's excellent prop on the Alpha. The Alpha looks the best of the two. But the Photography was not the best in the article either - it showcased the suckers that blew 15K instead of model details. So, the models may look better actually than depicted. I think they should send to Merriman and have him to a restoration and ginger them up, blowing another 15K.
        Here's some of the miniature work we did as a third-party contractor, working for Greg Jein -- heading the miniature builds for Paramount (later, the work transferred to ILM). Most of our work survived the transfer and made it into the film. We never got screen credit as we refused to join any guild or union. **** 'em!

        Last edited by He Who Shall Not Be Named; 10-23-2024, 08:45 PM.
        Who is John Galt?


        • redboat219

          • Dec 2008
          • 3181

          David, did you work on the models used in Crimson Tide and Abyss?
          Make it simple, make strong, make it work!


          • He Who Shall Not Be Named

            • Aug 2008
            • 12964

            Originally posted by redboat219
            David, did you work on the models used in Crimson Tide and Abyss?

            We did various scale propelers for the OHIO and AKULA miniatures used on the Crimson Tide flick. I also designed the torpedoes built by their effects guys. We only provided OHIO documentation for the Abyss film (for some reason they sent us the 'smaller' OHIO miniature, postproduction -- became an ant farm in our back yard for a few years till a friend took it off our hands).

            Who is John Galt?


            • redboat219

              • Dec 2008
              • 3181

              So this is your prop? Click image for larger version

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              Make it simple, make strong, make it work!


              • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                • Aug 2008
                • 12964

                Originally posted by redboat219
                So this is your prop? Click image for larger version

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                No. They took my masters, made tools, and produced enough of them for several takes. Including this ALULA 'death scene'.
                Who is John Galt?


                • Fishb0y

                  • Jul 2023
                  • 90

                  What was the one movie that you're in IMDB for? I was hoping to find it somewhere in the depths of the Inter-webs.
                  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I'm going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it. Anyone who wants to tag along is more than welcome.


                  • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                    • Aug 2008
                    • 12964

                    Originally posted by Fishb0y
                    What was the one movie that you're in IMDB for? I was hoping to find it somewhere in the depths of the Inter-webs.
                    Midnight Movie Massacres (shivers with disgust at that awful reveal!)

                    Click image for larger version

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                    Who is John Galt?


                    • Fishb0y

                      • Jul 2023
                      • 90

                      Originally posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named

                      Midnight Movie Massacres (shivers with disgust at that awful reveal!)
                      Is it this masterpiece of cinema? Bravo Sir!!!

                      I will say that the best part of the trailer was the bloody hand and intestine. I do have a question on some of the “prosthetics” that were used.

                      I think I know what my vote for the Friday Night movie at Subfest will be!
                      Last edited by Fishb0y; 10-25-2024, 02:06 AM.
                      Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I'm going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it. Anyone who wants to tag along is more than welcome.


                      • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                        • Aug 2008
                        • 12964

                        Originally posted by Fishb0y
                        Is it this masterpiece of cinema? Bravo Sir!!!

                        I will say that the best part of the trailer was the bloody hand and intestine. I do have a question on some of the “prosthetics” that were used.

                        I think I know what my vote for the Friday Night movie at Subfest will be!
                        Yes (very uncomfortable grown)

                        WE SHALL NEVER SPEAK OF THIS AGAIN, SIR!!!
                        Who is John Galt?


                        • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                          • Aug 2008
                          • 12964

                          Ellie's booger gag stands out as the best practical effect in the whole damned thing. What the hell was going on in her head when she came up with that! So gross that it got a listing during the closing credits of the film. I never failed to remind her that her stuff got more screen time than mine (after which she would scowl and point to the couch).
                          Last edited by He Who Shall Not Be Named; 10-25-2024, 04:30 AM.
                          Who is John Galt?

