Who had the best torpedoes of ww2?
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That was my guess I made too before watching and YUP not surprising the Japanese. they spent the money and were meticulous in development and the long lance oxygen torpedo secret & was a huge part of their Japanese Kito Betai big show down sea battle strategy. Ther Type 93 Long lance, with its 1200 ib war head would defeat ANY and all Modern Battleship defenses. Its almost ranks as an underwater cruise missile...lol. There was a 21-inch caliber long lance like torpedo for submarines too. The American Mk 14 rates at the bottom in reliability in 1942 and rates near the top in 1945. The American air dropped torpedoes at the battle of Midway never worked, those Devastator squadrons basically threw their lives away. the zero's shot them all down and none of their torpedoes worked at all. The British are the second best, generally, with German and French and Italian and Soviets a close third.Last edited by Albacore 569; 01-25-2025, 06:58 PM.Comment