Found these on Amazon. Looking at Dave’s Chinese boat, I wanted to get as close to matching his scribing template as possible.This looks like a match.
Scribing Tools
Post #54 ( ( ( https://imagizer.imageshack.coMake it simple, make strong, make it work!Comment
rotary marking tool for torpedo door
Make it simple, make strong, make it work!Comment
Dave showed me a long time ago to practice on a piece of plastic before doing the real thing, as saves you a lot of headache if you screw up. I found this to be very solid advice. Scribing is an acquired art form, and I’m not very talented as far as art goes.“Of the 40,000 men who served on German submarines, 30,000 never returned.”Comment
Always thought that tiny Skipjack would have been much more popular if it had been offered as a ready moulded kit, or "shock,horror" as a ready to run item- a 'jack-in-a-box'Comment
Who is John Galt?Comment
I bought the fittings kit and cylinder and made the little Skipjack. I was more than glad to support the one who can't be named!Comment