dave help.your my only hope??/?

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  • satlite440
    Lieutenant Commander
    • Jul 2012
    • 177

    dave help.your my only hope??/?

    ok so i have the mission switch soldered and semi fitted in.however the strain block is epoxyed down. i think it is too far to the center.it interfears with the batt&connecter . also when stringing the batt wires to the moter room the tube slid out i put it back.moved a few times will this damage the oring???also is this the right postion for the batt bulkhead?. sorry for the deluge i buchered 2 batts and let the smoke out of one of them(note to self make all children leave the subworkshop while working) so the confidence is a little low.like cadillacs r/c subs seem to have a brutal learning curve..don't know what i was thinking but i went to serries the batts and went to short on the 2 batts together and the overall lenght so the pair of batts with all the stuff in won't fit nice..going to buy some silicone wire and see if i can salvage these batts..if i boched it what does a new end cap run thanks shaneClick image for larger version

Name:	help 005.jpg
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ID:	101990Click image for larger version

Name:	help 004.jpg
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ID:	101991Click image for larger version

Name:	help 003.jpg
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Size:	81.7 KB
ID:	101992
    Last edited by satlite440; 09-23-2012, 01:15 AM.
  • He Who Shall Not Be Named
    • Aug 2008
    • 12643

    Wow! Careful with those batteries; at that power density you are best served to handle them with the same respect you would a pin-pulled hand grenade!

    Sliding the conduit tube through the bulkheads is fine, the O-rings don't care. One trick I use to increase the friction fit between tube and O-ring is to pull the conduit tube out through one end of the cylinder, de-grease the end of the conduit tube and apply a few coats of thin formula CA to build up the tubes diameter where it seats against the bulkhead O-ring. A tighter fit between the two will keep the conduit tube from sliding too easily when you're yanking on the power cables.

    Always do a dry-fit of parts before final assembly to insure you don't get into the interference problem, like you did with the strain relief block and battery. Duh!

    Where are you on that learning curve today?

    A bit gun-shy about Lithium-polymer batteries today, are we? Suck it up ... get back on that bike!

    Who is John Galt?

