Is there a Depth Limiting Device?

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  • He Who Shall Not Be Named
    Originally posted by mike27283
    Is it possible to have Kevin combine the BLM and DC3 such that a loss of signal, low battery voltage or reaching a pre-programmed depth would signal full rise and throw over the ballast vent servo to full throw thereby initiating an emergency blow? Would be nice to have one unit vice two... Throw in a leak detection circuit as well for good measure. I've achieved all of this minus the depth detecting function using a Parallax BS2 (coded using PBASIC) and wiring between the RX and servos.
    I would regard an unwanted 'depth excursion' to be a symptom of a significant electrical failure. I would isolate the 'depth safety device' from the main bus by making its actuation (dropping weight, blowing gas into the ballast tank, etc) purely mechanical -- activation via bellows or some such. We are all too married to the electrical bus for propulsion and control (normal and 'emergency' mode).

    Click image for larger version

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    Real-life 'chicken-switches' initiate a blow without need of any electricity (unless things have changed since my time in the game).


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  • mike27283
    Is it possible to have Kevin combine the BLM and DC3 such that a loss of signal, low battery voltage or reaching a pre-programmed depth would signal full rise and throw over the ballast vent servo to full throw thereby initiating an emergency blow? Would be nice to have one unit vice two... Throw in a leak detection circuit as well for good measure. I've achieved all of this minus the depth detecting function using a Parallax BS2 (coded using PBASIC) and wiring between the RX and servos.

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  • RCSubGuy
    The DC3 is a depth-related device, but not a failsafe. Basically, you dive to where you want to cruise using your bow planes. When you reach the desired depth, you release the stick, the unit takes a pressure reading and then uses the planes to try and maintain a depth that provides an equivalent pressure value. Your stick overrides the DC unit when you use it, the DC listening for a return to a neutral value and then going about the process again.

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  • redboat219
    Thanks Subculture.

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  • Subculture
    Overview: The DC3 uses a very simple control algorithm to help keep your boat at a constant depth. Even when activated it is designed to not interfere with your ability to adjust your operating depth, but it must be controlled from a “spring return to center” stick on your transmitter. After activating the DC3 use the bow-planes drive your boat to a desired depth and once there let go of the control stick. While the DC3 sees a rise- or dive command on the bow-plane channel it passes that command along to the connected servo but also updates the stored “reference depth” that it should try to achieve. When the DC3 sees a neutral command on the bow-plane channel it will compare the current depth to the reference depth and drive the bow-plane servo asneeded to return to (or remain at) the reference depth. To the operator this means the DC3 does not get in your way when you want to change depth, and will simply hold the depth you left off at when you last released the control stick. InstallationThe DC3 can be mounted in any location that’s convenient, front or aft in your watertight compartment. (The point at which the depth/pressure is sensed will be within the pressure pick-up tube, not the location of the pressure sensor.) The DC3 is not affected by local pressure changes in the WTC so it does not need to be located in a separate compartment if you’re using an RCABS- or SAS-type ballast system. It is recommended that you choose a location that will allow easy access to the setup button should any tweaking be required and has a view of the LEDs as these can be helpful for diagnostic purposes. The pressure port on the DC3 should be connected to your pressure pick-up with a soft silicone tube. View installation and setup instructions here.

    Depth Controller DC1 - The DC1 allows stabilizing a model submarine at a desired depth. It is connected directly to and powered by the receiver. The module can be operated by a control stick as well a

    Last edited by Subculture; 07-04-2024, 04:37 AM.

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  • vital.spark
    The units I have in all of my running subs is the Angle Keeper form Kevin. These only help to maintan a selected depth and there is no limiter for max depth. Andy, could you let us know the units you are refering to? I would .think these would have to have some form of pressure sensor

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  • Subculture
    Yes they’ve been available for years, they’re called depth controllers.

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  • redboat219
    started a topic Is there a Depth Limiting Device?

    Is there a Depth Limiting Device?

    Is there a device, electronic or mechanical that has the ability to limit how deep your boat goes and/or act as a failsafe (full rise /blow ballast ) when that set depth is exceeded?

    I know there are available failsafes that rely on loss of contact with transmitter but not if the connection is maintained, like you inadvertantly pushed the dive planes down.