Did a gratis 3D modeling/animation job a decade ago for the Undersea Warfare Museum which was ten minutes from my house. Here are a few reference shots and some of my test renders. It's a great museum (free too!) just outside the gate of the Keyport Weapons Station. Their Type 1 is the only known example remaining, Half-submarine with a Long Lance torpedo afterbody; they were cheap and quick to manufacture. If anyone ever needs reference material to build one of these, I have a lot of hi-res reference shots from "behind the ropes".
The single occupant was the CO/Navigator/Engineer/Weapons and Diving Officer. For trim, it's likely he shifted his (very large) cajones fwd and aft while sitting on the CG.
The single occupant was the CO/Navigator/Engineer/Weapons and Diving Officer. For trim, it's likely he shifted his (very large) cajones fwd and aft while sitting on the CG.