How did your wtb hold up with the pass throughs and silicone tubing??
New Toy For The Swimming Pool
Well things did not go as per plan! And for me that is pretty much normal. Not going to complain about it, just going to FIX it...
To answer your question about the pass throughs, the two coming out of the battery compartment worked great. The electronics box was a disaster. And I tried silicone sealer around each pass through, and all that did was make a mess and it did not work.
I purchased a new box for the electronics, and I am using these special watertight connectors for the pass throughs. I did a water leak test and they seem to work well. No leaks.
This is what I will have for the power into the electronics box. As for the power out to the thrusters, I will be using the same type connectors only coming out the bottom of the electronics box. I will post up the photos of the final hook ups.
On another note, the leak I had in the electronics box allowed enough water to get into box and into the receiver and it is shot. as you could see in the videos that I posted up the thrusters where not working right at all. That receiver was questionable to begin with. No damage to any other components, just dried them out real good and all is well there.
So I have made the move to my new FrSky X18 Transmitter and the TD R10 receiver. I am very new to this transmitter and its functions. I got this system form Nautilus Drydocks and it was part of a package deal with the WTC and was all set up to operate with the throttle and dive planes only. Right and Left stick operation only.
Not sure how to change the settings on the transmitter yet and I need to figure out to reverse the throttle stick!? That pretty well sums up what happened on the first water testing, so now back to the drawing board as usual... No problem, just going to figure it out and make it work.
"Firemen can stand the heat."
Here is the completed new electronics box.
I have installed all the wiring required for the electronics. I took both battery box and electronics box out to the pool weighted them down in 12" of water for 1/2 hour. NO LEAKS!! :-))
Now I will rewire the all the components again, and then back to the pool with the shark..
"Firemen can stand the heat."Comment
After replacing the electronics box and redoing wiring, and adjusting the weight and foam placements we headed for the pool ounce more.
The end results are getting much better. A little more work on the weight and foam placement and we will have a swimming shark.
I also added a 12 V remote switch with key bob in place of the plug system that I had before.
"Firemen can stand the heat."
Getting closer. With some more trim work with the weight and foam game plus learn how to use the transmitter a little better. I have also got one more leak to deal with, and David M. gave me some advice on how to deal with that.
"Firemen can stand the heat."Comment
I have made all the leak repairs (I hope) I have also added more weight to the two lateral fins and also in the bottom of the hear. This should bring the shark up to pretty much level.
Today I will charge all the batteries reinstall the electrical components and then head for the pool for a FINAL RUN..I will post up a final video.
"Firemen can stand the heat."
I have made all the leak repairs (I hope) I have also added more weight to the two lateral fins and also in the bottom of the hear. This should bring the shark up to pretty much level.
Today I will charge all the batteries reinstall the electrical components and then head for the pool for a FINAL RUN..I will post up a final video.
"Firemen can stand the heat."
And I'm most impressed with your long hours working out proper propulsors for Bruce -- intake at the mouth, discharge through the gill slits. Genius! Most scale-like operation. You nut!
DavidWho is John Galt?Comment
This afternoon we finally found the time to run the final testing on my Shark.
The first two still photos show how well it was sitting in the water. The trims seem to be right on for me.
Below are two of the short video runs that my wife took with her iPhone.
The videos certainly show that the Shark does well as far as movement. It still needs a touch more trim work. All in all, I am very pleased as to how it performed. My final thought as to its performance was more my control and ability on the sticks. The concept is good, and the thrusters are working very well. My operating the transmitter was questionable for sure. For now, I will tinker with the trim and go to work on my handling of the transmitter and stick operation.
At this point I am going to close out the Shark build testing and move on to doing the final finish (painting) work. I will certainly post up a photo of the final finish on the shark. I really want to thank all those that have jumped in on my build blog with ideas, suggestions, and just good old fashion help with the build. Thank you all very much.
What is next??
"Firemen can stand the build."Comment
What's Next?
My next build is going to be Star Wars elements. Robots, and some of the aircraft. I am reasonabvly sure that Nautilus Drydocks would appreciate me not using this forum for these builds!?
Star Wars C-3PO - RC Groups
So those that might be interested, use the link above.
"Firemen can stand the heat."Comment