Dive Tribe Zoom Meeting Alert

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  • He Who Shall Not Be Named

    • Aug 2008
    • 12955

    Dive Tribe Zoom Meeting Alert

    Dive Tribe zoom meeting alert

    I'll be helming our next zoom meeting this coming Saturday – 4PM Central Time.

    We'll start it off with a Questions and Answers session; specific problems to be presented and those 'in the know' will respond. If we run out of gas on that topic we'll get into who's going to have what ready for Groton, Red-Clay, and any other submarine friendly model boat regatta coming up this year.

    And for desert I have a rant or two to get off my chest. Stand by... rig ship for heavy rolls!


    Who is John Galt?
  • Fishb0y

    • Jul 2023
    • 90

    Originally posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named
    Dive Tribe zoom meeting alert

    And for desert I have a rant or two to get off my chest. Stand by... rig ship for heavy rolls!
    Sadly, I am working this weekend... but I will be sure to fill the Bug Juice containers up to the max prior to the Angles and Dangles
    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go on an overnight drunk, and in 10 days I'm going to set out to find the shark that ate my friend and destroy it. Anyone who wants to tag along is more than welcome.


    • He Who Shall Not Be Named

      • Aug 2008
      • 12955

      Originally posted by He Who Shall Not Be Named
      Dive Tribe zoom meeting alert

      I'll be helming our next zoom meeting this coming Saturday – 4PM Central Time.

      We'll start it off with a Questions and Answers session; specific problems to be presented and those 'in the know' will respond. If we run out of gas on that topic we'll get into who's going to have what ready for Groton, Red-Clay, and any other submarine friendly model boat regatta coming up this year.

      And for desert I have a rant or two to get off my chest. Stand by... rig ship for heavy rolls!



      Meeting time is 3 PM Central Time (I continue to be baffled by time-zones!!!!).

      Resident Idiot
      Who is John Galt?


      • ffr2608

        • Oct 2009
        • 307

        I will be joining back up today and can show off the new 007 Lotus submarine if anyone is interested.


        • He Who Shall Not Be Named

          • Aug 2008
          • 12955

          Originally posted by ffr2608
          I will be joining back up today and can show off the new 007 Lotus submarine if anyone is interested.
          You frig'n tease!.... of course we're interested. Have things camera ready when you log on, pal.

          Who is John Galt?


          • He Who Shall Not Be Named

            • Aug 2008
            • 12955

            FOR FRANK

            Who is John Galt?


            • He Who Shall Not Be Named

              • Aug 2008
              • 12955

              Dive Tribe zoom meeting alert

              I'll likely be helming our next zoom meeting, Saturday of the 29th, 3PM central time.

              We'll start it off with the usual casual BS and hopefully will get some insight into who's doing what and some gab about the upcoming Groton and Red Clay regattas and any other submarine friendly model boat regatta coming up this year.

              I'll shoe-horn in a brief talk about the need, process, and necessity of post-mission checks and tasks. Here's a teaser of what's ahead for you:

              Who is John Galt?


              • Ken_NJ

                • Sep 2014
                • 831

                It's boating season. Have not been on the last few DT meetings. And as long as the weather is nice, will be on the water and not be able to attend Zoom's during the summer. But will soon be getting boats ready for Groton and Subfest. Carol and I are not looking forward to the end of boating season in September but looking forward to seeing everyone again at Groton and Subfest.


                • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                  • Aug 2008
                  • 12955

                  Originally posted by Ken_NJ
                  It's boating season. Have not been on the last few DT meetings. And as long as the weather is nice, will be on the water and not be able to attend Zoom's during the summer. But will soon be getting boats ready for Groton and Subfest. Carol and I are not looking forward to the end of boating season in September but looking forward to seeing everyone again at Groton and Subfest.
                  We miss you, pal. But you can still catch up on the archived Zoom meetings as time permits.
                  Who is John Galt?

