Priceing and options for the 3.5/2 Subdriver

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  • He Who Shall Not Be Named

    • Aug 2008
    • 12966

    Originally posted by jeep4grog
    Well it seems that the 3.5/2 Subdriver I ordered has shipped and it should be here Tuesday(ish). Thanks Dave!! Once it gets here, I will start to fit all the running gear.

    Currently I am trying to figure out a way to get the bow planes to retract and operate now. I really dont like the planes they sent as they are very thick and not well mounted.

    New ideas, suggestions and nit-picking criticisms are welcome as always!:cool:

    This is my second sub. I have a modified/updated Dicky tug to rescue my sailboats, my improved Dumas "Bluefish" and now the P Class. I will share the rebuild of the sub with all here. I will start a build thread when the subdriver arrives.

    Thanks everyone for your help in getting this started again...

    And thank you for be so patient with my tardy delivery.

    Who is John Galt?


    • jeep4grog
      Lieutenant, Junior Grade
      • Jan 2009
      • 41

      It's cool Dave. Anyone who qual'd in a MK V has to be given a bit of slack now and then...


      • Kazzer
        • Aug 2008
        • 2850

        Originally posted by jeep4grog

        Currently I am trying to figure out a way to get the bow planes to retract and operate now. I really dont like the planes they sent as they are very thick and not well mounted.

        Look at the Revell Gato Fittings Kit. It has a retract system in there based on two gears. However there is a strut there that isn't on British boats. I think the gears idea could easily be modified to lift the planes if their shaft was connected directly to the gear??
        Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!


        • He Who Shall Not Be Named

          • Aug 2008
          • 12966

          Originally posted by jeep4grog
          It's cool Dave. Anyone who qual'd in a MK V has to be given a bit of slack now and then...
          I've been eating lunch off that photo for decades. Thanks.

          Only did two or three working dives in that dress. The Master Diver on the RECOVERY had us all dress out for the beauty shot you've seen, one very cold January morning.

          Time that shot was taken, the last of the MK5's hats were finding their way into Salvage officers and Master Divers living rooms as the Mk12's came in to replace them.

          Rest of the heavy-salvage work I did in heavy dress was done in the much more user-friendly Mk12 (most of that with neck-dam and wet-suit... OK, I'm a pussy, sue me!).

          Who is John Galt?


          • jeep4grog
            Lieutenant, Junior Grade
            • Jan 2009
            • 41

            ARS-42 Can Do!!

            I did my qualification dive in the MK V while on the Reclaimer in early 75. Did three years as a Em2-DV2 before I dropped my quals. Doc thought he found a heat murmer... Then they sent me to DD-945 ( the Hull) in San Diego:( Thats going to be my next build. The only DD in the world that had an 8" mount.

            I fooled them though, my heart is fine, I had a stroke 30 years later!!!


            • He Who Shall Not Be Named

              • Aug 2008
              • 12966

              Originally posted by jeep4grog
              ARS-42 Can Do!!

              I did my qualification dive in the MK V while on the Reclaimer in early 75. Did three years as a Em2-DV2 before I dropped my quals. Doc thought he found a heat murmer... Then they sent me to DD-945 ( the Hull) in San Diego:( Thats going to be my next build. The only DD in the world that had an 8" mount.

              I fooled them though, my heart is fine, I had a stroke 30 years later!!!

              Hi there! Yeah, I remained a 2nd class Diver for my 13 years in the game. I never was much of a rate grabber. (I'm smart enough to build models but don't have the brains to get comfortable with gas charts and chamber schedules).

              Your ride was a sister of the RECOVERY?

              God I hated when we had a tow. First time I was assigned that ship I came on just as Braschier (spelling) came off. I hear he was a real son-a-***** to work for. Both tours I worked the salvage holds -- don't ask me how a TM1 winds up a salvage pump/generator/ram expert, I don't know.

              Damn Dive physicals were more political than practical. Sorry they pulled you. The fleet sucked, better to be in a specialty group.

              Fool them all: live forever, and have fun while you do it.

              Who is John Galt?

