Up-Periscope unit

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  • mickelsen
    • Aug 2008
    • 94

    Up-Periscope unit

    I received my Up-Periscope unit yesterday and decided to try it out right out of the box. I'd at least get a chance to get a feel for seeing things through the goggles. I hooked everything together. Hookup is pretty obvious just from the connectors. I powered everything from the included wall mount tranformers and powered everything on. the power light on the receiver came on and a blank screen came on in the goggles, but no picture. I turned the tuning knob on the receiver back and forth; nothing. I moved the antennae closer together and farther apart; nothing. I have no way of debugging this, but it seems like the camera-transmitter is just not working. Can anyone help me?

    Hope is a harsh mistress!
  • toppack
    Rear Admiral
    • Nov 2008
    • 1124

    Do you have the goggles Video-In cable connected to Video-out connector of receiver?
    Did you try the camera/transmitter and receiver on just a TV, without the goggles connected? That may narrow down the problem area. To do that just connect cable from receiver's video-out connector to video-In connector on TV and adjust TV to proper channel. The audio cable is not needed to test video.
    The tuning knob on those receivers have a narrow band of operation. (have to turn it very slowly to find 'Sweet spot'). I tape the knob in place after finding the best position, so I won't accidently bump it. Using *Duct-Tape* of course! :D LOL :D
    Last edited by toppack; 12-31-2008, 07:24 PM.
    Rick L.
    * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
    Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


    • Kazzer
      • Aug 2008
      • 2850

      Originally posted by mickelsen
      I received my Up-Periscope unit yesterday and decided to try it out right out of the box. I'd at least get a chance to get a feel for seeing things through the goggles. I hooked everything together. Hookup is pretty obvious just from the connectors. I powered everything from the included wall mount tranformers and powered everything on. the power light on the receiver came on and a blank screen came on in the goggles, but no picture. I turned the tuning knob on the receiver back and forth; nothing. I moved the antennae closer together and farther apart; nothing. I have no way of debugging this, but it seems like the camera-transmitter is just not working. Can anyone help me?

      Try plugging the camera unit into something like a tv. That will at least determine if the problem is with the camera or the goggles.
      Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!


      • mickelsen
        • Aug 2008
        • 94

        Okay, okay, so I didn't get EVERY cable installed correctly. I almost did. When I fixed that last one, the unit functioned correctly. I have a color unit which, despite what it says in the instructions, has a sound pickup. The picture is a little washed out, but then, this is a LITTLE camera.

        I already have a couple of questions about converting the Up-Periscope over for use in the Seaview, but for right now, this unit is working fine. Thanks for your suggestions.

        Last edited by mickelsen; 01-01-2009, 11:39 AM.
        Hope is a harsh mistress!


        • He Who Shall Not Be Named

          • Aug 2008
          • 12966

          Thanks for the assist, Toppack. You and Mike walked him through it.

          Who is John Galt?


          • toppack
            Rear Admiral
            • Nov 2008
            • 1124

            Originally posted by mickelsen
            despite what it says in the instructions, has a sound pickup.
            Yes, I've found that some people that sell those cameras, (the ones made now), don't realize that they have Sound capability with a tiny microphone built in a small hole at back of camera.
            Last edited by toppack; 01-01-2009, 11:15 AM.
            Rick L.
            * Asking Questions is a 'Good Thing',
            Since Learning is Always a 'Good Thing' *


            • mickelsen
              • Aug 2008
              • 94

              Thanks for the help, guys.
              Hope is a harsh mistress!


              • He Who Shall Not Be Named

                • Aug 2008
                • 12966

                Originally posted by mickelsen
                Thanks for the help, guys.
                You've made a few posts already ... bout time we administered the standard beating and berating initiation ritual.

                Who is John Galt?


                • Kazzer
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2850

                  Originally posted by mickelsen
                  The picture is a little washed out, but then, this is a LITTLE camera.
                  Yes, just remember what this is - a periscope, not a flipping telescope! I can't imagine anyone getting perfect vision through an old periscope, as long as you could see the ship, I guess it didn't matter if you couldn't see the whites of their eyes!

                  For really good underwater images, simply strap the Oregon Scientific camera on board and record the entire voyage.
                  Stop messing about - just get a Sub-driver!

