I've noticed that Nautilus Drydocks also sells kits from rc-subs.cz. As Otto is not selling within the EU because of VAT (which I don't understand), my question is: Can I order PE sets from rc-subs through Nautils Drydocks?
PE from rc-subs?
This is something that I'm working through with Oto. He is not set up on his end to track, retain and pay out tax. I can do that on my end, however it would mean he would have to ship his product here, then I would have to ship it out again. This would add to the cost of the product, create longer delivery times, and still not save any European customers the tax as they would be liable for it regardless.
I am fighting through my move and the SUBFEST event right now. Once I get my feet under me, I'll get intentional about figuring out the best path for everyone.
Stay tuned!
Bob -
I don't understand what his problem is. Only if he exceeds a certain sales volume selling to end customers in another EU country, he has to tax register his busyness there, submit a tax report in respective country and send over the VAT. For Germany this limit is 100.000 €. So only if his sales volume, generated by by selling goods to German end customers, exceeds 1000.000 k€, he would have to go through the whole sermon and pay taxes in Germany. Below 100.000 € he can pay Czech VAT and file his tax report there (I should already).
So for Germany: just put Czech VAT on the goods, monitor the sales volume, stop selling before you reach 100 k€ (that's allot of subs), submit a Czech tax report, and return the VAT.
EUROPA - VAT charging and refunds when selling goods and services inside and outside the EU. VAT rates in Europe, selling to businesses and consumers, exemptions
Last edited by DrSchmidt; 09-23-2021, 09:46 AM.Comment