Project type XXI scale 1/96
How about an external connection? I remember seeing a WTC in one of the threads here showing external power cables connected to studs coming out the sides of the ballast tank bulkheads.
Last edited by redboat219; 01-05-2025, 07:46 PM.Make it simple, make strong, make it work!Comment
DavidWho is John Galt?Comment
The Flu got me, it took some weeks to recover, but still building ahead, first the things i did untill the Flu hitted me.
Since i want to both steer and retract the forward divingplanes i altered the front bulkhead to give me room for three servo's
Placed the new servo's and made some magnetic connectors
A fit to see if everything will fit inside the boat.
Retracting the dive planes creates a problem, it must be possible to put the upper half on while making the connection for the retracting mechanism, glued the frontpart down
After glueing the front part i took the jewelers saw and cutted it free.
This is the result, you can lift the upperpart in the middle of the boat, at that moment the Flu hit me, next chapter was started after the Flu
Made this contraption for holding both scopes and the schnorkeltube.
The stainless tube of the schnorkel will slide over the bras tube, making the connection to snort.
The front tube has a inlet to suck up the air while bringing the boat up
The contraption will fit underneath the conningtower.
Complete conningtower with all the gizmo's placed, even found some scale mesh to clad the FUMO radar, for now i'm working on the magnetic connection of the upper hull part, to be continued
I went undergroundComment
The Flu got me, it took some weeks to recover, but still building ahead, first the things i did untill the Flu hitted me.
Since i want to both steer and retract the forward divingplanes i altered the front bulkhead to give me room for three servo's
Placed the new servo's and made some magnetic connectors
A fit to see if everything will fit inside the boat.
Retracting the dive planes creates a problem, it must be possible to put the upper half on while making the connection for the retracting mechanism, glued the frontpart down
After glueing the front part i took the jewelers saw and cutted it free.
This is the result, you can lift the upperpart in the middle of the boat, at that moment the Flu hit me, next chapter was started after the Flu
Made this contraption for holding both scopes and the schnorkeltube.
The stainless tube of the schnorkel will slide over the bras tube, making the connection to snort.
The front tube has a inlet to suck up the air while bringing the boat up
The contraption will fit underneath the conningtower.
Complete conningtower with all the gizmo's placed, even found some scale mesh to clad the FUMO radar, for now i'm working on the magnetic connection of the upper hull part, to be continued
Who is John Galt?Comment
Since i have chosen for retracteble divingplanes i had to make a different way for using the magnets holding the deck.
First i made a lip for holding the magnet at the stern, this one is horizontal orientated
The magnet at the stern on the upperdeck, i use different size of magnets, using too big of a magnet will give trouble taking the deck off.
The front magnet is placed vertical at the bow.
Same story for the magnet at the bow of the upperdeck, in the background you can see the mechanism for retracting the diveplanes.
Upperdeck closed.
Upperdeck removed from the boat, placing the magnets vertical at the bow allows me to lift that part first, the horizontal magnet follows without force
This was a bummer, the bowpart was not propely aligned, had to cut it free and re-glued it again.
While the bowpart was curing i made this.
Once put together it looks likes this.
Closed position
Open position
Prior to cutting open the torpedo shutters, yes, the mechanism is build to control the shutters.
All shutters cutted open in the rough.
First i want to get this working, later on i will make this tidy.
This is the point where i stand now, a central hindge pin on which the shutters will pivot, first have to build some brackets to keep this contraption at it's place.
I went underground👍 1Comment
Since i have chosen for retracteble divingplanes i had to make a different way for using the magnets holding the deck.
First i made a lip for holding the magnet at the stern, this one is horizontal orientated
The magnet at the stern on the upperdeck, i use different size of magnets, using too big of a magnet will give trouble taking the deck off.
The front magnet is placed vertical at the bow.
Same story for the magnet at the bow of the upperdeck, in the background you can see the mechanism for retracting the diveplanes.
Upperdeck closed.
Upperdeck removed from the boat, placing the magnets vertical at the bow allows me to lift that part first, the horizontal magnet follows without force
This was a bummer, the bowpart was not propely aligned, had to cut it free and re-glued it again.
While the bowpart was curing i made this.
Once put together it looks likes this.
Closed position
Open position
Prior to cutting open the torpedo shutters, yes, the mechanism is build to control the shutters.
All shutters cutted open in the rough.
First i want to get this working, later on i will make this tidy.
This is the point where i stand now, a central hindge pin on which the shutters will pivot, first have to build some brackets to keep this contraption at it's place.
Manfred!!... you're out of your frig'n mind!!!!
Working shutter doors. Practical retracting bow planes. completely hidden rudder and stern plane linkage horns. Well... that's it. I quit. I'm taking my ball and going home.
Wow! The degree of my hatred for your incredible accomplishments cannot be measured. "GRrrrrr!"Who is John Galt?Comment
Who is John Galt?Comment